Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sony Ericsson presents the P1: new cell phone intelligent

Sony Ericsson presents its new model of series P of cellular intelligent, the P1: generation of series P of cellular intelligent and most advanced is about 5a. of all. 25% minor that previous P990, accepted some modalities of connection “push-email” in such a way corporative as of consumption general (automatic sending and in real time of emails since the post office server, without the necessity of that the user initiates a connection), works with connections VOIP (telephony saw IP) and WLAN, 3,2 digital camera of megapixels, digitalizador of business cards, tocador of archives multimedia (video and sound), comes with card of memory Memory Stick of 512MB.
The P1 uses connection of Internet of high speed UMTS and without wire (WiFi) and allows to work with some applicatory on-line.
The P1 uses the operational system Symbian 9,1 and UIQ 3,0, a platform of free code that allows telephonic operators and to develop infinite multimedia applications, beyond propitiating access the particular desenvolvedores and companies of content to disponibilizarem its on-line quantity.
Although its size reduced, if compared with the other devices of the series P, Sony Ericsson P1 offers to all the functionality of a complete device of multimedia and corporative use. Its keyboard of double function presents a complete disposal of alphanumeric keyboard keys in system QWERTY (the same of the keyboards of computers) and also accepted that if between characters manually, through a system of writing recognition. The screen of very good resolution (QVGA) has 2,6 counts and can be seen same in environments very illuminated. The navigation for the made Internet and through the navigator Operates and conjugated with the excellent digital camera, the P1 facilitates to sending of photos on-line photograph small farms using a photographic software of blog.
The P1 can have access radios FM and directly receive programs from mobile TV lowered its screen.
The P1 uses cellular system GSM tribanda, Wifi 802.11b and will be available in the 2007 end

Thematic X-Box : Simpsons

Microsoft produced a thematic model of its console of videojogos Xbox 360 for the televising series of the Fox, Simpsons. However, the manufacturer alone produced 100 units of the device, that will be giving of gift in a series of promotions and events that will be promoting inside soon in U.S.A. Already he speculates on yourself that some of these models will be being auctionzed online for amounts many superior times to the real value of the console (is about the model of 20GB of hard record and not it the new Elite of 120GB).

launching of the project PClinuxOS Brazil

It is with great satisfaction that we announce the launching of the project PCLinuxOS Brazil!

Electronic address

The PCLinuxOS project has the objective to increase the use of this system in Brazil and to contribute with the international project, through the translation of the distribution and has supported the Brazilian users.

Our initial actions englobam:
  • To keep the vestibule with notice, tips and articles on the PCLinuxOS;
  • Remasterizar the distribution already with the had translations and updates;
  • To give has supported to the Brazilian users by means of ours fórum.

Our future plans englobam: to translate all the distribution and to add these translations to the official launching, to translate the PCLinuxOS magazine, to integrate with communities that use the Portuguese language and to help to keep the distribution with the maintenance and sending of packages and being told bugs for the international project.

We need all the possible aid to increase the use of the PCLinuxOS here in Brazil, mainly in the part of translations, and since already we invite all the interested parties to participate.

We thank since already the support of all the friends who direct and indirectly believe the success of our work.

Postada for: Samuel (they nospam)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Configuring the xorg.conf on Ubuntu Hardy (8.04)

The desenvolvedores of the Xorg had said that version 7.3 goes to detect and to configure “automatic” our hardware of video…

As I am of the time that “tomático” was the button to bind liquidificador walita, it does not advance to convince to try me this wonder when it manufactures trocentos video devices, since top of line that only lacks to speak until the purest and crystalline nastiness!

E to prove that I do not exaggerate, looks at fóruns of its distributions: as if question for the configuration of video plates! E still to say comes me that they will make everything without necessity of intervention of the user?

, In case that it not only desires to configure, but to make a fine adjustment of its video well, it will be able to edit calmly its xorg.conf making the following one:

) it installs pacotexresprobe_0.4.24ubuntu8_i386.deb

b) goes in /usr/share/xresprobe and copies xorg.conf substituting the original in /etc/X11

c) it makes the modifications that to desire - in /etc/X11 - and good luck!

Soon, good and the old one fuçada of whenever it allows in them to domar the animal of more efficient form, and “desautomático”… rs… rs… rs…

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Download Day

The such day of the challenge exists that makes for the world, for physical activities and involving cities and people. But now the tip is for us that we adore the Firefox to help in the day “Download Day”, where the Mozilla Foundation wants to beat the world-wide record of download of an only one in 24 hours and to enter for the Guinness Book.

The challenge is that first the users if register in sign up in this site:

Cadastro e Download

with name and email contact and there when they will have the announced day, orders the date to you for email and being thus all we go to beat this record in the day.

We go to show the force of new Firefox 3 that he is wonderful!

He is thus in the site:

“It seems a good business, does not find? Everything what you need to make is to lower Firefox 3 during the Download Day - it is easy thus. We are not asking for that you swallow a sword or balance 30 spoons in the face at the same time - although that this would be incredible.

By the way, the official date for the launching of Firefox 3 will be posted here soon, then pass later verifying gives one this way! It is joined our community and to this effort having committed itself to lower it the Firefox "

We go to help, I I know exactly that today the Firefox is the navigator most used in the world, still having people who find that it is the IE.

Monday, June 16, 2008

44 Commands for Linux

44 commands for you that this starting

ls - l
List archives and directories
ls - R
It lists the archives of the directory and subdiretórios, also occult
find /directory - name *search*
Search in the directory for archives or subdiretórios
Size of the directory
du - S
Size of the subdiretórios
whitewash MM YYYY
It shows the date in the specified format
whitewash 01 2000
It shows the calendar of the month of January in year 2000
cat arquivo.txt
It shows archives text in the console
arquivo.txt lives
It shows with paging of the content
cp - R
It all copies the content of the directory, also subdiretórios
rm - Rf
It removes all the archives and subdiretórios of the specified directory, without confirmation
tail - f /var/log/messages
to ~xibir log of the system
Ctrl + z in consoler
It suspends a in progress process allowing to type another command during the execution of a program
ps -
It visualizes the processes in execution
command &
It initiates the process in second plain
kill -9 pid
It kills a process, pid of the program can be seen with ps -
Ctrl + ALT + Backspace
It closes the X11
modinfo module
Information on module
Information on logins
It unpacks zipados archives
zip arquivo1 arquivo2…
Zipa the archives as
ls - there
It lists all the archives, also occult
chmod 777 archive
Of the total permission in the archive, the first number if relates to the proprietor, according to the group and third to the excessively using ones, where 1 = to execute (x) 2 = to write (w) 4 = to read (r). The addition of the desired options must be placed
to tar - zcf arquivo.tar.gz
Directory or archive to be compact
to tar - jxvf nomedoprograma.tar .bz2
.bz2 unpacks .tar
to tar - xzvf arquivo.tar.gz
It unpacks .tar.gz
to tar - Zxvf archive. Z
Descomapcta. Z
to tar - xz arquivo.tar
It unpacks .tar
to mkdir name
It creates a directory with the specified name
compact disc directory
It goes for the specified directory
To configure connection for Internet
chfn using
Dumb information of the user (name, telephone…)
userdel using
It removes the user of the system
userdel - f using
It removes until the folder of the user
It selects window to manager standard
df /dev/dispositivo
Sample information on the device, as so great, free space…
to adduser using
It adds user to the system
chown novodono archive
Dumb the owner of the archive for the new owner
traceroute endereço_ip
He traces the covered route to arrive in the address
fsck - t ext2 /dev/dispositivo
He is equivalent to scandisk of win. The type (- t) specified checks dispositivocom
ln archive nomedolink
Direct Link for archive
ln - s archive nomedolink
Symbolic Link
mount - the Loop imagem.iso /mnt/
.iso in /mnt mounts an image
Configurations of net

Simple to lower Videos of the Youtube

The subject already is very beaten here, but I go to report as I obtained of first and using only mouse, to lower and to attend videos of the YouTube. The question is that the Mozilla project has a Fast extension Download Video, that to the being added in the Firefox creates a management icon to lower videos, facilitating all the process. E to attend is necessary that it has installed the VLC (VideoLan - Powerful reproducer multimedia).

1 - It has access link:

e adds the extension.

2 - After to install the extension and to restart the Firefox, will appear in it sing inferior right of the bar of status an icon in which to locating mouse on, will appear the message “To lower video”.

3 - Considering that the VLC is functioning, it is alone to lower and to attend the will.

For more details of this step by step, also for Windows customers, it has access:

I hug